Selected Presentations

Fallen, Fallen is Babylon.jpg

Rome is Greater than Babylon: Neglected Allusions to Nineveh, Edom, and Sodom in Revelation 17-18

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The Reapplication of Oracles against Babylon, Tyre, Nineveh, and Jerusalem in Revelation 17–18 and the Production of Prophetic Authority


Rebooted Scripture: Star Wars, Revelation, and the Aesthetics of Intertextuality

Matt 11.10 et mal 3.1.png

Encoding Apocalypse and Empire: Online Editions of Revelation 17:1-18:24 and 21:1-22:7 and the Display of Intertextual Allusions

Additional Presentations

Encoding the Apocalypse: Revelation 1:12-20 as a Case Study for Digital Annotations and Display of Intertextuality” Paper presented to the New England and North Eastern Canada Regional Society of Biblical Literature, Newton Center, Mass., April, 2014.

Visualizing the Apocalypse: John’s Polemic against the Roman Empire.” Paper presented to “Working with Text in a Digital Age” NEH Institute for Advanced Topics in Digital Humanities, Tufts University, Medford, Mass., August, 2012

Why it Matters that Matthew was Written in an Urban Setting: Some Evidence from the Synagogue at Sardis.” Paper presented to the New England Regional Society of Biblical Literature, Newton Centre, Mass., April, 2011.

Reevaluating Matthew’s Polemic against the Pharisees as the Murderers of Jesus.” Paper presented at the University of California, Santa Barbara Borderlands Conference, Santa Barbara, Calif., April, 2010

4QTest 21-30 and the Validation of the Covenanters’ Messianic Expectations.” Paper presented to the New England Regional Society of Biblical Literature, Newton Centre, Mass., April, 2010. 

Sleeping through the Apocalypse: The Intratextual Relationship between Mark 13:32-37 and 14:32-42.” Paper presented to the New England Regional Society of Biblical Literature, Newton Centre, Mass., April, 2009