Learning Assessments

Prior to the first class, students are asked to fill out a pre-class questoinnaire that addressed the three learning goals of the course: Students will read the Bible. Students will investigate the Bible in its historical context and social location. Students will interpret the Bible as a historical and theological text.

  • Briefly describe the Bible. What is it, where does it come from, and what does it contain?

  • Describe the differences and similarities between Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant canons?

  • Discuss the historical and social contexts of the Bible; where, and under what circumstances, were the texts contained written, and by whom?

  • How does the history of the ancient Israelites, Jews, and Christians affect modern interpretations of Scripture?

  • What sort of sources (ancient and modern) might you use to interpret the biblical text?

  • Can someone study the Bible as both a historical document and theological text?

Prior to taking the course, students had virtually no underlying skills in any of the three learning areas. Each assignment was coded and weighted for the learning goals, so that each assignment could be directly related to learning goals.